Saturday, April 27, 2019

Horror Hipster Claims Remake "Raped His Childhood"

     The micro-brew drinking, VHS tape watching, internet trolling Gregory Stalls is back in the headlines again and this time he's making some major claims. 
Most of you may remember Gregory Stalls when he began a smear campaign against Trump for his lack of US tweets.  Now he is claiming that the upcoming Child's Play reboot is ruining his childhood.  "Yea, this movie is a god damn abomination.  It's raping my childhood and ruining a franchise I love dearly" Gregory told Horrorable News. 
"Child's Play is one of the first movies I ever watched on tape and now it's fucking ruined.  Just like they did with the all female Ghostbusters a few years back.  Pure trash and I'll never be able to watch the original films again."  When we asked Gregory how the new films has ruined the franchise he seemed confused by the question.  Horrorable News then told Gregory that the reboot hitting theaters doesn't prevent him from still watching and enjoying the original films.  At this point in the interview Gregory became ill and had to go lay down.  
Disclaimer - The picture above IS Gregory Stalls who some of you may confuse for someone named Wayne or off brand toilet paper.  

Sci-Fi Fan Comes Out as Tri-Curious After Mark Hamill Joins Child's Play Remake

     Roger Duty of Tennessee is an avid sci-fi fan.  Many would even go as far as to say he is obsessed with the genre.  "For years I have attended Star Wars and Star Trek conventions all over the east coast and I've made it my life's mission to meet as many characters from these fantastic series as I can before I die"  Roger told Horrorable News.   
     Roger has found himself at the center of controversy recently when he found himself questioning his beliefs.  "My father raised me on a strict diet of Star Trek and Lost in Space.  He wants me to continue to love sci-fi but I feel like there is more to life than space flight and kissing green women." 
Recently Luke Skywalker himself was cast in the remake of Child's Play and that was when Bart, I mean Roger, found that new spark in his life.  "Horror was something my father always told me to stay away from.  Only mindless morons watch that bloody dribble is what he would always say."  Roger spent the following weeks watching horror movies late at night on Netflix before gathering the courage to tell his father.  "This was going to be something he would need time to adjust to.  When I told him I was marrying my husband Dave he started questioning him about his taste in movies and television.  Thankfully Dave was not a fan of horror."
Roger has asked Horrorable News to accompany him as he breaks the news to his father Roger Sr. and we will do a follow up story at that time.  

Friday, April 26, 2019

Vest Guy Has No More Room for New SUSPIRIA Patch

     Horror fan and denim vest aficionado Mike Clevenger recently ordered some new patches from a small Etsy shop for a few dollars each.  When they arrived he was horrified to find that his vest is now full with no room for the new patches which included a patch for his favorite Italian horror film Suspiria.  News broke this morning.  Mike was unavailable to comment on the matter but his mother, former crust punk Shelly "Spunky" Clevenger, was able to answer a few questions for us. 
"I was afraid this would happen" Shelly said.  "When I was younger I had a leather vest with several patches for underground punk bands.  When I ran out of room for new patches I started getting them tattooed instead but Mike refuses to get the patches tattooed on his chest and back because he doesn't like people to see him without a shirt on." 
     Mike currently has a crowd funding campaign launched to get a second vest to put new patches on.  "I don't know why his piggly ass did that.  He can't wear two vests at once" Shelly said when asked about the crowd funding.  If you would like to donate to Mike's crowd funding campaign to get his new vest you can do so here (there is no link).  

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Breaking - Godzilla:King of the Monsters Trailer Hides Sexually Explicit Images

      Godzilla: King of the Monsters is one of the most anticipated films of the year.  Kaiju fans have been begging for this film for years and that wait was almost over.  The film was expected to be released later next month but this may be changed due to the recent trailer making it's rounds on social media.
Film synopsis:
The new story follows the heroic efforts of the cryptozoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient superspecies, thought to be mere myths, rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity's very existence hanging in the balance.
    The person responsible for editing the trailer thought they would pull a slick one on viewers by hiding pornographic scenes featuring Nadia White and Mallory Maneater throughout but fans were quick to spot these images.
      Legendary Entertainment is expected to pull the film from theaters for quality control which could push back the release to later in the year.  We were unable to speak with the editor responsible for the new trailer but we did speak with Clayton Mobile Homes, a major manufacturer of single and double wide trailers, and they seemed confused and shocked by our questions.
     To view the trailer that has been slowed down to better see the hidden images click here.    

Opinion: Not Beyoncé Deserved to Die in Freddy vs. Jason

     **Update: Not Beyoncé’s real name is Kelly Rowland.

     Freddy vs. Jason is the 2003 vehicle that pitted two slasher icons Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees together.  This Ronnie Yu directed film has split the horror community for over 16 years.  Genre fans either love it or hate.  Honestly, I personally enjoy it but I can see why so many people feel the need to comment "I hate this movie" on Facebook and Instagram when fans share their love of the film. 

I recently started thinking about this film and I was reminded that Not Beyoncé was a major bitch in the film and deserved what she got.  That's all.  No other point of this article. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Goth Instagram Model Admits to Never Actually Watching Horror Movie on Her Shirt


Goth Instagram model PrincessxGorexWhore69 has gained a 20k following on Instagram.  She started her account 5 years ago and immediately became a hit when she started posting photos of horror VHS, DVDs, and blurays while wearing low cut shirts and short skirts.  Most of her followers are horror fans with a taste for goth women.

One such follower is Gregory Stalls who was the center of our Horror Hipster Angry at Trump Over Lack of US Tweets article.  Gregory is now a full time troll and when he found PrincessxGorexWhore69 on Instagram wearing a Re-Animator shirt he knew he had to troll her. 
"It started out with a single comment and then I knew she had never seen the film" Stalls said.  "I commented on the photo and told her I loved the vampires in the film and the dumb ass replied with "me too."

The film in question, Re-Animator, is the 1985 Stuart Gordon adaptation of the famous H.P. Lovecraft short.  The film follows Dr. Herbert West as he works on perfecting his serum that re-animates the dead.  No vampires can be found in the film. 

Stalls stated that he kept commenting before revealing none of the stuff he mentioned was actually in the movie when she responded with "I've never actually seen this one but I heard it was good" and then stated "the shirt rules though #rawr."  

Horrorable News reached out to PrincessxGorexWhore69 for a comment and she replied with "premium Snapchat available.  For just $20 a month you get access to my premium Snapchat with guaranteed daily nudes."  Weird flex but we get it. 

Pet Sematary to Get Horror Porn Parody; Wet Semontary to Film Early Next Month

     Stephen King did not know the impact he would have on the horror genre when he wrote Pet Sematary.  King first wrote the novel in 1983 and in 1989 the first film was released.  It was a hit and a sequel was soon to follow. 
Jump forward thirty years and another adaptation of his work is hitting the big screen.  All this talk about Pet Sematary has inspired the adult film company Cock Burn Entertainment Inc. to parody the film.  They announced earlier this morning that the film, Wet Semontary, will begin filming next month.
The film is in the early stages of production and no cast has been revealed yet.  The company previously worked with Shawana Bang, Ivana Hump, and Johnny Tongue on their horror parodies of other King classics like Misery...Needs Cock, Silver Muff, Carrie...Needs Cock, The Shawshank Fuckdemption, and The Fuck Zone and we suspect they will return for this production. 
When we asked CEO and founder of Cock Burn Entertain Inc. Barry Whitehead about the production he stated that "this was satire and people will not read the story before sharing it on their timeline."  We here at Horrorable News agree with him 100% and want to add sham a lama my ding dong. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Wrestling Fan Calls Horror Fan Jabroni; Madness Ensues

     A horror convention over the weekend in a small town outside of Atlanta, Georgia turned violent when a wrestling fan attending to meet Road Warrior Animal stepped out of line and instigated a fight with a horror fan.
     Trevor Minks was standing in line to meet Linda Blair when wrestling fan and enthusiast Thomas "The Train" Manyard called him a jabroni - a derogatory term among wrestling fans.  This comment would typically go unnoticed in a crowd like this but Minks was a one time wrestling fan and recognized the insult.  “I was like “this sausage eating mother fucker just called me a what? Hell no! So I ankle picked him, figured four’d him,  and yelled Woooo.” Minks said as the police was trying to get the crowd under control. 
A witness told Horrorable News that "the wrestling match was funny at first" but as it progressed it turned "into a sad display of male dominance."  The witness also stated that "once both men became winded they could not sell the move to save their lives."  The match has now been compared to WCW pre-Bishoff years and neither men is expected to meet again for a rematch.  

YouTube Video Reviewer Shows Front; Then Back Artwork

     Horror sites and blogs are in an uproar this week after YouTube reviewer Eddie Swenson did something completely unexpected.  Swenson has been reviewing films now for 4 years and recently started a YouTube channel under the name CaptnHowdy69 as a new form of creative expression.  "I grew tired of always typing out my reviews.  A typical movie is an hour and a half then you toss on anywhere from 6 to 10 hours of special features and then another hour to type the review.  It was exhausting" Swenson exclaimed.  "That's why I wanted to try my hand at video reviews.  I've done a dozen or so now but this recent one I wanted to switch it up.  Break the mold if you will."
That was when Swenson did the unexpected.  He turned his camera on, grabbed his favorite coffee mug, and sat down with his newest Blu-ray sent to him for review.  "I just held up the front of the Blu-ray and showed my camera.  Then I was like "Fu**, why not just flip it around and show them the back? and I did."  This quick gesture then turned into something much bigger.  "I had only spent about 20 seconds on my review of the film so I decided to grab a stack of DVDs and blu-rays that was near me and did the same.  Next thing I knew I had reviewed almost a dozen movies in less than five minutes."
 Long time horror reviewer and film critic Mikey Blackmore of Bloody Central was the first to criticize Swenson and his new reviewing technique.  "It's an abomination.  Writing a review is an art form that I've spent the last 20 years of my life to.  I have sacrificed so much to give readers the reviews they want and this asshole shows up and reviews an entire months worth of content in mere minutes.  I hope he chokes on his avocado toast." 
Swenson is expected to review the entire 2019 Vinegar Syndrome and Scream Factory line up in his next video which he expects will run a little less than 8 minutes.  

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Horror Hipster Angry at Trump's Lack of US Tweets

     Gregory Stalls is your typical millennial.  This 26 year old drives freight for a soda company during the day but at night he is an avid horror fan and internet troll.  "I grew up on the classics.  Movies like Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and An American Werewolf in Paris  were my favorite tapes growing up."
Gregory is an avid VHS, or tape, collector and only watches movies on that format but that recently changed when he saw the trailer for Jordan Peele's Get Out on YouTube.  "I saw "only in theaters" and was like I needed to go to a theater.  It looked pretty cool so I went and checked it out.  It was a fun experience but the lobby wouldn't let me bring in my strawberry and mango infused micro brew."
This was a changing point for Gregory.  "The social aspect of Get Out spoke volumes to me.  I was already trolling religious pages on Facebook and Twitter and this helped channel my focus onto the social justice side things." It was at that moment that Gregory quit his job to troll Trump's Twitter page full time. "It wasn't something I immediately set out to do but he was always doing racist things and I couldn't let that happen."
Jordan Peele's new film Us recently received a theatrical release and Gregory was the first in line to see the film in his town.  In fact, he was the only one in his town to watch it opening night.  "It was a surreal experience having the theater all to myself.  Still no micro brews but it was a fun time."  The film left a lasting impression on Gregory who returned to his office with a new found rejuvenation to troll Trump even harder but now he has noticed something seriously wrong.  "Trump has yet to make mention of the groundbreaking film on his Twitter feed which infuriates me." 
Gregory is expected to continue to focus on trolling Trump and bringing issues of not mentioning Us on Twitter to light if he doesn't get evicted first.  He is several months behind on his rent and talks of a crowd funding campaign is being tossed around his living room.  Stay tuned for more news on that. 

Walking Dead Fan Excited to Meet Season 1 Food Services Guy at Upcoming Horror Con

     The Walking Dead is not only a popular horror show but it is a pop culture phenomenon.  The show is now working on it's 10th season with a successful spin-off show currently on it's fifth season and news of yet another spin-off in the works.
     Horror and pop cons has seen a huge influx of traffic due to the show and there is no shortage of guests considering the shows impressive cast ranging from popular characters to the hordes of the undead.  In fact, fans are so rabid about collecting the entire casts and crews autographs that it has inspired a horror con in the mid-west to invite the food service crew to sign autographs and photo ops with the fans.
"I can't believe I'm finally getting to meet them all" exclaimed 24 year old fan Roger Dunn.  "I've watched this show since season 2 and I've met everyone on the show but not the real heroes in the food services."
"When I was brought on for two days back in 2010 to prepare lunches for the zombie actors and some of the cast I did not expect my life to change like it did.  People recognize me on the streets and stop me for an autograph.  It's unbelievable" said 34 year old Sean Tanner as he posed for a $65 photo with a fan.  "Honestly, those two days was the easiest job I've ever had.  I had to cut the crust off Norman's PB&J triangles and keep napkins on the tables.  I wish I was never caught stealing supplies and kept the job."

It was recently announced that a horror con in Florida will dedicate a large portion to The Walking Dead cast along with members of Oasis Sanitation which was responsible for draining the port-o-johns while the show was filming near Atlanta.  We reached out to them for comment but they were out of the office.  

Breaking: Jordan Peele Reveals That US and GET OUT is Unused Skits from Show KEY AND PEELE Written by Key

      Fans of the sketch comedy show Key and Peele may not see a reunion any time soon as tension between comedians Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key rises after it was revealed that Peele took unused skits from the show written by Key and turned them into multimillion dollar films. 
     Horrorable News was able to meet up with comedian, actor, and director Jordan Peele while he was pitching his newest films, a remake of the late 80s classic Dr. Alien and the Chuck Norris driven film Invasion U.S.A. but with a horror twist.  We asked Peele how this news has affected their relationship where he had this to say:
"We were once close, you know.  We did everything together which made the writing process so easy and fun.  We would toss ideas off each other and if they stuck we would use them in the show.  That changed after he did a few commercials with Amy Schumer.  His ego got the best of him.  The show had ended and I needed work so I took a few of these skits he had written and never used, switched them up, and pitched them as thrillers.  Horror fans wanted something new and refreshing so I took the bases from Get Out and mixed it with The Stepford Wives with a dash of A Clockwork Orange.  When that took off I took our skit which was bases for US and added a dash of some Pod People action.  Horror fans dig something they've never seen before and I think I give that to them with a pinch of something they already love."
We reached out to Key to ask for a comment on the matter and was told that there is "no beef" between the two and he can "use the material just like (Peele) used me on the show."