Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sci-Fi Fan Comes Out as Tri-Curious After Mark Hamill Joins Child's Play Remake

     Roger Duty of Tennessee is an avid sci-fi fan.  Many would even go as far as to say he is obsessed with the genre.  "For years I have attended Star Wars and Star Trek conventions all over the east coast and I've made it my life's mission to meet as many characters from these fantastic series as I can before I die"  Roger told Horrorable News.   
     Roger has found himself at the center of controversy recently when he found himself questioning his beliefs.  "My father raised me on a strict diet of Star Trek and Lost in Space.  He wants me to continue to love sci-fi but I feel like there is more to life than space flight and kissing green women." 
Recently Luke Skywalker himself was cast in the remake of Child's Play and that was when Bart, I mean Roger, found that new spark in his life.  "Horror was something my father always told me to stay away from.  Only mindless morons watch that bloody dribble is what he would always say."  Roger spent the following weeks watching horror movies late at night on Netflix before gathering the courage to tell his father.  "This was going to be something he would need time to adjust to.  When I told him I was marrying my husband Dave he started questioning him about his taste in movies and television.  Thankfully Dave was not a fan of horror."
Roger has asked Horrorable News to accompany him as he breaks the news to his father Roger Sr. and we will do a follow up story at that time.  

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