Saturday, April 13, 2019

Breaking: Jordan Peele Reveals That US and GET OUT is Unused Skits from Show KEY AND PEELE Written by Key

      Fans of the sketch comedy show Key and Peele may not see a reunion any time soon as tension between comedians Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key rises after it was revealed that Peele took unused skits from the show written by Key and turned them into multimillion dollar films. 
     Horrorable News was able to meet up with comedian, actor, and director Jordan Peele while he was pitching his newest films, a remake of the late 80s classic Dr. Alien and the Chuck Norris driven film Invasion U.S.A. but with a horror twist.  We asked Peele how this news has affected their relationship where he had this to say:
"We were once close, you know.  We did everything together which made the writing process so easy and fun.  We would toss ideas off each other and if they stuck we would use them in the show.  That changed after he did a few commercials with Amy Schumer.  His ego got the best of him.  The show had ended and I needed work so I took a few of these skits he had written and never used, switched them up, and pitched them as thrillers.  Horror fans wanted something new and refreshing so I took the bases from Get Out and mixed it with The Stepford Wives with a dash of A Clockwork Orange.  When that took off I took our skit which was bases for US and added a dash of some Pod People action.  Horror fans dig something they've never seen before and I think I give that to them with a pinch of something they already love."
We reached out to Key to ask for a comment on the matter and was told that there is "no beef" between the two and he can "use the material just like (Peele) used me on the show."  

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