Monday, April 15, 2019

YouTube Video Reviewer Shows Front; Then Back Artwork

     Horror sites and blogs are in an uproar this week after YouTube reviewer Eddie Swenson did something completely unexpected.  Swenson has been reviewing films now for 4 years and recently started a YouTube channel under the name CaptnHowdy69 as a new form of creative expression.  "I grew tired of always typing out my reviews.  A typical movie is an hour and a half then you toss on anywhere from 6 to 10 hours of special features and then another hour to type the review.  It was exhausting" Swenson exclaimed.  "That's why I wanted to try my hand at video reviews.  I've done a dozen or so now but this recent one I wanted to switch it up.  Break the mold if you will."
That was when Swenson did the unexpected.  He turned his camera on, grabbed his favorite coffee mug, and sat down with his newest Blu-ray sent to him for review.  "I just held up the front of the Blu-ray and showed my camera.  Then I was like "Fu**, why not just flip it around and show them the back? and I did."  This quick gesture then turned into something much bigger.  "I had only spent about 20 seconds on my review of the film so I decided to grab a stack of DVDs and blu-rays that was near me and did the same.  Next thing I knew I had reviewed almost a dozen movies in less than five minutes."
 Long time horror reviewer and film critic Mikey Blackmore of Bloody Central was the first to criticize Swenson and his new reviewing technique.  "It's an abomination.  Writing a review is an art form that I've spent the last 20 years of my life to.  I have sacrificed so much to give readers the reviews they want and this asshole shows up and reviews an entire months worth of content in mere minutes.  I hope he chokes on his avocado toast." 
Swenson is expected to review the entire 2019 Vinegar Syndrome and Scream Factory line up in his next video which he expects will run a little less than 8 minutes.  

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