Saturday, April 13, 2019

Horror Hipster Angry at Trump's Lack of US Tweets

     Gregory Stalls is your typical millennial.  This 26 year old drives freight for a soda company during the day but at night he is an avid horror fan and internet troll.  "I grew up on the classics.  Movies like Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and An American Werewolf in Paris  were my favorite tapes growing up."
Gregory is an avid VHS, or tape, collector and only watches movies on that format but that recently changed when he saw the trailer for Jordan Peele's Get Out on YouTube.  "I saw "only in theaters" and was like I needed to go to a theater.  It looked pretty cool so I went and checked it out.  It was a fun experience but the lobby wouldn't let me bring in my strawberry and mango infused micro brew."
This was a changing point for Gregory.  "The social aspect of Get Out spoke volumes to me.  I was already trolling religious pages on Facebook and Twitter and this helped channel my focus onto the social justice side things." It was at that moment that Gregory quit his job to troll Trump's Twitter page full time. "It wasn't something I immediately set out to do but he was always doing racist things and I couldn't let that happen."
Jordan Peele's new film Us recently received a theatrical release and Gregory was the first in line to see the film in his town.  In fact, he was the only one in his town to watch it opening night.  "It was a surreal experience having the theater all to myself.  Still no micro brews but it was a fun time."  The film left a lasting impression on Gregory who returned to his office with a new found rejuvenation to troll Trump even harder but now he has noticed something seriously wrong.  "Trump has yet to make mention of the groundbreaking film on his Twitter feed which infuriates me." 
Gregory is expected to continue to focus on trolling Trump and bringing issues of not mentioning Us on Twitter to light if he doesn't get evicted first.  He is several months behind on his rent and talks of a crowd funding campaign is being tossed around his living room.  Stay tuned for more news on that. 

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