Monday, May 20, 2019

Authorities Searching for Dr. Anthro Pophagous in Connection to Underground Abortion Ring


     Alabama authorities are searching for an Italian doctor after they received a tip that he was running several underground abortion clinics throughout the state.  Dr. Anthro Pophagous started his practice in late 1999 but lost his license in early 2005 when several complaints were filed against him after several women lost their lives at his hands.  Now he is exploiting expecting mothers and feeding his fiendish desires. 
     Recent rulings in Alabama has forced women to seek abortions outside of the state while other women have turned to back alley abortions.  Sadly, many of these poor souls have found their way into the hands of Dr. Pophagous who aborts the child at no cost.  Many speculate that he sells the organs on the black market to cover the no cost abortion but some rumors are being reported that he actually eats the unborn which has earned him several gruesome nicknames like the Grim Reaper. 
     If you have seen Dr. Pophagous or have seen the movie please let us know. 

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