Friday, May 3, 2019

Horror Fan Believes Fake News Article; Angry Comments Followed

     Horror fan and basement dweller David Cartwright is making headlines this week when he mistakenly fell victim to the satire news article "Horror Hipster Claims "Remake Raped My Childhood" when it was shared to a movie collecting group.  What happened next shocked the horror community.
     The satirical article in question, from the fake news site Horrorable News, used the image of a film reviewer that then became the focus of the hate.  "Most people could tell it was satire but there was some people like David who got caught up in it.  He was angry and he let that flow in the comments" said witness Shelly Reynolds who is also a member of the group.   "His comment paved the way for other knuckle draggers to follow" she said while laughing at the ordeal.  "The admins then joined in and it was apparent that they could not tell the article was satire either.  What made it even funnier was that several members of the group actually agreed with the article by declaring they can no longer watch films they once loved before because a remake that has not been released yet ruined it for them.  Shit was hilarious but it was strange seeing a community that is known for it's unity and compassion suddenly turn rabid."
Horrorable News was contacted on the matter about their fake news post and they responded with "itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polkadot bikini." 
If you was a witness to the debacle please reach out to use for an interview.  

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