Monday, May 13, 2019

Man With Small Penis Buys All the Limited Edition Releases to Sell on eBay to Fund Surgery

     Horror fans are rabid and most have the collecting mentality.  They want the best version of their favorite films and some are not afraid to fork out a little extra cash for those special limited edition sets.  Some of these limited edition sets quickly sell out and we can thank the Texas born entrepreneur Travis Milner for that.  
     Travis was born with a medical condition known as micro-penis where his penis, while soft, will retract into his body.  "I've struggled with intimacy for years now.  I can't let my partner see me with the lights out for fear they will leave" Travis told Horrorable News. "I've collected for most of my adult life and I love these limited edition releases from companies like Arrow Video, Scream Factory, Severin Films, Vinegar Syndrome and so on.  I noticed while collecting these releases that some others are pretty hardcore about collecting as well.  That's when I got the idea to buy as many of these releases as I can then flip them on eBay for a hefty profit.  I need the money for my surgery which would not only benefit myself by my partner as well." 
Horrorable News asked Travis how he can take advantage of fans and collectors like himself and he replied with "they are the ones paying the prices I set them for on eBay.  No one is twisting their arms to pay the extra $60 to $100 I add to the price.  If they are willing to pay it then I'm going to sell it to them."
Travis is now just a few $100 short from his goal to get the surgery and is expected to get it with the limited edition Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 sleeve from Severin Films that recently debuted at a con.  He is now selling them for $100 a piece.  Horrorable News hopes he is able to get his surgery and it turns out well for him.  We heard it makes it lumpier and not longer but we still wish the best for him and his partner.  

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