Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Horror Fans Shocked When Detective Pikachu Accidentally Plays in the Theater and Not Curse of La Llorona

     The Hicks family out of New York decided to take a trip to the movies on Sunday.  What was supposed to be a fun time for the family quickly took a dark turn.  They settled into their seats with candy and popcorn when the emotional ride was laid before them.  "It was like something you would read about online and we were powerless to prevent it" John Hicks told Horrorable News.  "I took my wife and our two kids to the movies to watch something fun that the whole family would enjoy and before we knew it Detective Pikachu starts playing.  My kids were physically upset during the opening credits but we couldn't move.  We had our candy and popcorn on our laps.  We were trapped and had to listen to Green Lantern bark off one liners."
It is expected that the Hicks family will seek legal action after the events that took place on Sunday.  "My son has been yelling peeka peeka for hours while kicking me in the crotch and my poor daughter now thinks she can sing and has been chanting jigg-a-ly since the film.  This is going to take some time to get through and cost us a lot of money in doctor visits."

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