Thursday, July 4, 2019

Dark Force Entertainment Promises Tomorrow for Release of Dead Pit; Real Date Set for the Fall

     Dark Force Entertainment and Code Red has partnered to release the 1989 horror film The Dead Pit.  The original plan was to have a slipcover that would light up in similar fashion to the old Frankenhooker VHS.  When they failed to recreate what a VHS big box could do almost 30 years ago they decided to go a different route.  This time they planned a glow in the dark slipcover similar to the old Goosebumps folders and notebooks from the 90s.  Well, this turned into bigger than expected task when they tried to recreate technology that was used massively 20 years ago.
      The setbacks has caused Dark Force and Code Red to push the release back until tomorrow.  Tomorrow was first announced 6 or so days ago and that is still the general answer being thrown around social media.  Many codebreakers have concluded that this release is actually scheduled for October but Dark Force wants to keep the excitement up by claiming tomorrow for the release everyday until the actual release.
     Those that question Dark Force and their drunken banana mascot find themselves placed on "the list."  This has lead to speculations that Dark Force is actually the property of Chris Jericho who was known in the WWE for his list gimmick with many believing the person that is often in the videos looking like a Tripp Eisen impersonator is just there to throw viewers off. 
     If you are looking forward to the release of The Dead Pit please check back tomorrow for more news on it!

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