Monday, July 8, 2019

Overly Opinionated Middle-Aged Man Hates Lib-Tards, Stranger Things, and His Ex-Wife

     Ivan Raggly is a cable installer for CET Cable out of Florida.  He recently joined the ranks of millions when joined Facebook and this access has given him the chance to share his opinion on everything with his friends and family.  Sadly, Raggly doesn't know when to stop.  He has to share his opinion on everything which has lost him several friends since joining the social media giant in March. 
     "There is too many sheeple out here that are just too sensitive and wanting handouts" Raggly told Horrorable News.  "When I joined Facebook I saw all these people complaining about OUR president.  He's our president and we need to do as he says.  ICE is doing their job of keeping our children safe and out of the hands of MS13.  We have these lib-tards crying because they don't like our laws but in reality they are just too sensitive.  Then, everyone was ranting and raving about Stranger Things.  I set up at Netflix account and within the first few episodes I watched a group of kids help an illegal alien escape her camp.  Netflix is teaching our children to break the law!  While I have a second I also want to say something to my ex-wife.  Darcy, I know it's you that keeps taking my Trump 2020 and I Support ICE signs out of my yard.  The court said I can't be within 100 feet of you and that means you can't be within 100 feet of me.  Steal it again and I'll tell the kids how we used to let our old neighbor Floyd cuck me, you old whore."
     If you are friends with an older uncle, aunt, or friends of the family that have similar views it is best to use the "select friends" option on Facebook so these highly opinionated people can't see your post.  If they cant see it then they can't comment something slightly racist or demeaning for generations younger than them.  Remember, these people grew up thinking Clint Eastwood was attractive.  Yes, even the men secretly thought that as well.    So we shouldn't judge them for their bad taste. 


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