Monday, July 8, 2019

Overweight Man Spent Money on VIP Pass But Did Not Save Money for Deodorant; Major Cause of Con Musk

     Horror is a way of life for fat horror fan Milton Stanley.  Stanley, a native of Virginia, has been attending horror cons for well over 10 years and always splurges for the VIP pass when he visits.  "I know it's pricey but you get a great deal with those passes" Stanley told Horrorable News.  "You get in an hour early to walk around.  The guests and vendors are still sitting up so you don't get to meet the celebrities or buy stuff beforehand but it's cool to walk around.  The biggest bummer is you still pay the same prices for photos with the celebrities but it's cool to have the lanyard showing you have the pass."
     Stanley is a working man who lives paycheck to paycheck so when he buys these passes he often breaks himself.  "yea, it taps me.  I usually just have enough money to get the autographs I want and gas money.  That's it.  Then I borrow some cash from mom until payday."  Because he budgets so tightly he often forgets to leave some money for toiletries and deodorants.  "I shower daily and always wash my clothes so a few hours without deodorant won't kill me.  I know it gets hot while standing in line but it's impossible for me to stink if I've taken a shower that morning."
     Horrorable News would like to remind horror fans that deodorant is cheap and should be applied several times a day to cover con musk.  Please be considerate of others. 

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