Saturday, June 8, 2019

Guy Who Bashes Every Modern Horror Film Reluctantly Admits That 'Midsommar' Looks Like It Might Be Okay

Franklin County, Missouri -

Tony Wilson, 32, is known amongst his group of friends as "that horror movie guy," but as Wilson will have you know, he "only watches movies made before 1994," and that "all modern horror movies are absolute shit."

Wilson, who was not even alive during the late 70s, claims that no horror movies have ever been as good as that time period, but does admit that Midsommar looks like it might be "okay."

"Hereditary was a total suckfest, so when I heard the director was making another movie and it was going to be set in like, Sweden or some shit, and set in the daytime, I immediately checked out," said Wilson while wearing a Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt. "When I watched the trailer, my eyes rolled out of the back of my head, but I have to admit, it could be okay, I guess."

In checking Wilson's Letterboxd ratings of recent horror movies, he gave mega-hits and critical darlings such as The Witch and Jordan Peele's Us 1 star each, but did give Peele's first film, the Oscar winning Get Out, a 2 1/2 stars.

"That one was okay, too," Wilson admitted. "But mostly, it was shit. Everything has been shit since Wes Craven defecated all over the horror scene and made Scream. Ugh. Shit. Total shit. Can you believe the same guy made The Last House on the Left? It's a shame man, shit."

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