Monday, June 10, 2019

Man Shows 'A Serbian Film' To Woman on First Date, Marries Her When She Makes It Through Without Complaint

Bangor, Maine -

Thomas Robertson, 36, got married over the weekend to his beautiful bride, Ann, 34, saying he knew she was "the one" after he showed her his favorite film, A Serbian Film, on their first date, and she enjoyed it.

"Back when I was in the dating scene, my go-to movie was always Serbian," says Robertson. "I'd meet a girl, we'd chat, and if we'd meet up, I'd always suggest we watch my 'favorite foreign film.' If they couldn't make it through that, there's no reason to keep dating them, you know? None of them ever did."

"Honestly, I've been watching horror movies my whole life, and yeah, it's extreme, but I mean, it's just a movie, right?" said Ann. "It's not that big a deal. I guess if that's what brought us together, then it's all for the best, because I sure am in love."

"You know a girl is the one if she can watch a dude skull fuck another dude to death," said Robertson. "She even laughed at how fake the baby looked. I mean come on. She was definitely the one!"

The Robertsons will actually be honeymooning to Serbia in the fall, once they can get time off from their respective jobs. Ann Robertson wanted us to know, for the record, that her favorite film is A Clockwork Orange, but that she'll watch A Serbian Film any time her husband requests it.

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