Saturday, June 8, 2019

Unearthed Films Announces Plans to Revamp as Children's Film Distributor

Los Angeles, California - 

Unearthed Films, who have for years been known as one of the most extreme labels for underground horror and Japanese gore films, announced earlier today that the company was going to be undergoing a "huge revamp" starting in 2020, with plans to become a distributor of children's films and family movies.

"Frankly, the horror market just isn't what it used to be in my day," said company CEO Stephen Biro. "These kids today, all they're interested in is whether or not the 14th release of Green Inferno is going to come with a damn slipcover. They're not concerning themselves with extreme films, gore, or Japanese fare at all."

In the company's press release, Biro mentioned that while sales had remained strong, and in fact had grown in recent months after the implementation of new arms of the company, such as Unearthed Classics and Too Extreme For Mainstream, that he felt there were new directions he wanted to go.

"It's not about the money. It's certainly never been about the money, it's always been about my love of film, and that's not changing," said Biro. "All that's changing is the kind of films I'm going to be sharing my love of with the world. We've already met with many independent companies that release family films, and we're super excited for our release of A Serbian Film, which was originally going to be several minutes longer than the current version, but instead will be fully cut to be appropriate for everyone. We'll also be adding an animated segment that the kids will love!"

Reaction to the announcement has been mostly negative, with one horror fan summing up the new venture as "total fucking bullshit."

Curiously, when questioned about a company name change, Biro said they would still keep the Unearthed name. "Yeah, we can't come up with anything better, so it's sticking," said Biro. "But we're totally open to suggestions."

1 comment:

  1. This is the funniest thing I’ve read in weeks! 😂😂😂
