Sunday, June 9, 2019

New YouTube Horror Movie Reviewer Encourages You To Share His Videos, 'Mash That Subscribe Button'

Lexington, Kentucky -

New YouTuber and self-proclaimed film critic Chris "Splatterhouse" Smith just launched his new horror unboxing and movie review channel, and is strongly encouraging friends to share all of his videos, and to "mash that subscribe button."

"I'm up to 11 subscribers after only two weeks, which I think is a really good start," said Smith, 34, in an exclusive interview with Horrorable News. "My old channel, which was all related to Pokemon cards, only ever got to 10 subscribers, and that was after 3 years, so I think this is really something."

Smith says he has been into horror since he first saw Jordan Peele's Oscar-winning film Get Out last year.

"I know I'm getting into the game kind of late, but I don't think that really matters," said Smith. "I've always liked seeing movies, and even though I never really knew much about horror, I feel I can still talk good about them after I see them. Of course, I'm not going to have much for content until I can get screeners to watch, so if you've got any, you can send them my way."

Smith went on to say that he hopes everyone reading this will like and subscribe to his channel, which we're refusing to link to in this article.

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