Friday, June 14, 2019

Horror Edgelord comments “yawn” to your post

Sean Flotz, 23, spent most of his day like any other, wasting every second mindlessly scrolling through Facebook at his local library, while 5 other people waited for their turn. Most of them had completely legitimate reasons to be there, but Sean didn't care. Nothing gave this pointless piece of human trash more joy than shitting on everyone's day with completely useless negativity.  Meme groups never made him laugh.  Recipes his mother posts were all disgusting piles of slop to him. Ignorant unsolicited hateful political opinions ran from his mouth like a broken faucet.  

Don't even get this writer started about his film opinions! If the horror movie was made after 1989 it was horseshit and he was gonna let you know about it.  You liked a movie where no one was gutted and raped by a pack of old white men?  "Fucking Newb," he would say like a stunted neanderthal. 

Another day in the life of Sean Flotz, internet horror douche canoe. This is what he lived for.  

You, average Joe/Jane six-pack decided to voice your opinion about something you felt passionate about. You loved something so much that you dared to want to start a conversation about it with fellow horror fans on your only outlet in life, the internet.  The excitement in your fan love for this thing was so overwhelming, that you wanted to share it with other great people looking for the same thing.

This was just easy pickings for Sean Flotz, micro-penis mouth breather.  His day had been building to this one laser focused blast.  The 15 people now bugging him to get off the library computer meant nothing to him.   Neither did the fact that he had already pissed his pants twice today.  Not even his girlfriend, who got sick of his self absorbed nonsense and left him for a nice guy, couldn't steal this moment away from him. 

Like a big game hunter spotting easy pray, this was his time to strike.  He couldn't just scroll over it and move on with his day.  He had to let you know what a complete and utter bore you are to him.  EVERYONE needed to know what a "basic newb horror bitch" you are. 

So Sean did the only thing he could, he responded to your thread in HORROR FANS UNITE with one single word: YAWN. 

Feeling sufficiently snarky and satisfied with himself, Sean leaned back and waited for the responses to come pouring in. 

None did.  He waited almost an hour for any sort of response. Numerous other comments came through not even remotely giving his the time of day.  It was almost like no one had read it.  Like he didn't exist.  The world moved on and ignored his useless bullshit.  

The library however kicked him out, baring him from ever using their facility again, and disinfected his seat. 

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