Wednesday, June 12, 2019

That Guy You Pissed Off in the Horror Group CAN Kick Your Ass and Here's Why

     Every horror fan has done it.  You were in one of the thousands of horror groups that are identical to all the others just commenting on different posts when boom!  it happens.  You pissed someone off accidentally.  Sure, no one gives a fuck that you don't like the American Guinea Pig series but you have every right to say that but now someone that you don't know is pissed.  You make jokes about him being mad but that only makes matters worse.  Now, he's threatening to kick your ass.  You play it off as someone bashing a keyboard but that's not the case.  He can and will kick your ass and here's why.
     This guy more than likely said something along the lines of "I've fought bigger people than you before" or "I've fucked bigger guys than you in the ass while in prison."  You should believe him especially if he tags someone that you don't know for verification that he is as tough as he said.  Two people making these claims on the internet makes it true.
     Another reason you should prepare for an ass whoopin' is because weak beta males don't threaten people on the internet.  If someone is in the horror group handing out free ass whoopins then you better believe he has the experience to make you cry uncle.  He doesn't do it for recognition.  If he wanted to be recognized he would make his face his profile picture and not an anime character.  Nah, this man hands out these ass whoopins to keep the world in check. 
     He has the time to find you.  He does so you better be on the look out.  These guys that start shit in these groups do so because they know they have the time to finish it. They usually something along the lines of "I'm between jobs" or "I wasn't getting the respect I deserved so I quit."  Regardless of the reason these people typically have time on their hands and they will find you. 
     Finally, he has paralyzed you with fear.  You may like to voice your opinion on the internet when no one asked you to but you can't stand confrontation so the second he made the threat you felt the icy cold hands of fear grip you by the spine.  He has already won and didn't lift a finger.  That keyboard can't protect you now.  All you can do is accept your fate and prepare to be beat like a conservative man beats his dick while he watches trap porn while his wife is away. 

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