Monday, June 10, 2019

Racist Grandma Knew the Black Guy Would Die First in That Scary Movie You Are Watching

     Horror fans put up with a lot of shit but one horror fan from Virginia has to put up with more than most.  Rory Cullen of Richmond has been a horror fan for most of his life.  His father got him started watching it but after he lost both his parents in an automobile accident he was sent to live with his grandmother in Tazwell, Virginia.  He still watches horror movies but it was a bit of a different experience for him.  "I had to cut back some on the amount of movies I was watching.  She only has the one television and she doesn't miss the nightly news or her day-time soaps.  As I got older I realized that she was a little racist so I had to cut back on Japanese and urban horror because I didn't want to hear the comments she would make" Rory told Horrorable News.
     "I'm not racist but" Mable Cullen said while giggling "sometimes you just know the black guy is going to die first.  That's how those cheap horror movies work.  The colored guy always dies first. It's not being racist if it's true." 
     "I knew she grew up in a different time than now so I try not to give her so much shit about it.  I just let her make her comments and I go about my business.  I just hope she never says anything like that in public and embarrass me."  Rory said.  When Horrorable News asked Rory about educating his grandmother and moving her into 2019 he responded with "that would be disrespectful to do that.  She's lived a long life and I don't see anything wrong with it if its only said in her home."
**Horrorable News would like to extend a big fuck you to racist grandmas, grandpas, moms, and dads along with any of you that know it's wrong and don't correct them.  

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