Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Tobe Hooper Dies for the Sixth Time Since 2017 Thanks to Oblivious Social Media Friend Who Shares Outdated Articles

     Director Tobe Hooper carved his own legacy in the horror genre when he thought of the concept behind The Texas Chainsaw Massacre while waiting in line at a hardware store.  From that moment forward he was a horror icon that sadly passed in 2017.  On  August 26th of that year social media was on fire with reports of his death.  Several news sites and blogs ran tributes for the man that created a horror franchise that still sees sequels and remakes to this day.
     Now, 2 years later, Megan O'Hanes is just now getting the news.  "It's heartbreaking as a horror fan" Megan told Horrorable News.  "I absolutely loved his film Poltergeist and I'm taking his death very hard."  When friends of Megan's told her that he had passed 2 years ago she was flabbergasted.  "How did he die two years ago?  The article can be read now!"  Friends urged her to check the date of the article along with anything else she read on the internet to ensure that it is the most up to date news but she responded with "that's asinine.  News articles should be deleted after a certain amount of time so I don't share it on my timeline and look like a fuckin' fool!" 
     Horrorable News asked Megan if she was fans of Wes Craven and Gunnar Hansen and when she said yes we told her to have a seat...

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